Failing to leave a directive and/or assets to care for expensive animals can cause hardship for surviving family.
It’s financial abuse if both parties have NOT openly agreed that one partner is solely marrying the other for personal financial gain and not necessarily any feelings of love.
When any personal relationship has a wide income imbalance that goes undiscussed for years, it can eventually come to a head.
When one spouse is the earner, do both spouses still get credit for buying dinner?
“Gaslighting is a colloquialism, defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality for selfish gain” (Websters). Spoiler alert if you haven’t seen the film.
Spoiler alert: Not working for the CIA either but drug running for the infamous Pablo Escobar in South America. True story.
What is brokefishing? Brokefishing is the act of positioning oneself as needing financial help when that isn't necessarily the case
Financial instability and money conflicts with friends can be a growth opportunity or lead to the end of many relationships.
A partner wrongly thinks the other partner is broke and tries to fix it without either having a financial conversation.
Too much borrowing between partners or in any relationship can lead to no one ultimately getting back any of their loaned money.