1. Speaking Out on Financial Abuse.


Financial abuse can be a silent yet devastating form of domestic violence, often going unrecognized even by those experiencing it. In this inaugural episode of "Speaking Out on Financial Abuse," host Laurie G. sheds light on this pervasive issue that affects individuals across all demographics.

Laurie introduces the concept of financial abuse, defining it as behavior that seeks to control a person's economic resources and threaten their financial autonomy. She outlines various manifestations of this abuse, from forcing partners to miss work to controlling how money is spent.

Drawing from personal insights, Laurie emphasizes that financial abuse can cause long-term damage, strangling choices and drowning options. She points out that many victims, and even some abusers, may not realize they're caught in a cycle of economic violence.

This episode sets the stage for future discussions on financial abuse, promising to feature survivor stories and expert insights. Laurie's goal is to generate more public awareness, provide resources for those affected, and ultimately help listeners recognize, prevent, and overcome financial abuse in their relationships.

By tuning in, listeners will gain valuable knowledge about this often-overlooked form of domestic violence and learn how to take steps towards financial safety and independence.

Whether you're currently in a financially abusive situation, supporting someone who is, or simply want to understand more about this issue, this podcast offers practical insights and hope for a financially secure future.

Links and Resources:


Financial abuse is not a relationship issue. Financial abuse is a domestic violence issue. 90% of domestic violence cases also include financial abuse.


2. Financial Superwomen: How Survivors Become Mentors.